Now I know my ABC’s…


I attended Belleville public schools throughout my childhood and teenage years, and I’d learned so much—not! But I did learn one thing, and that’s my ABC’s!

In kindergarten we learned our ABC’s, in an order that doesn’t have any significance, “A, B, C, D, E, F, G…” Our ABC’s have no reason to be in that order or sequence, it’s actually irrelevant. When in “God’s” name would we ever need to sign our ABC’s in the rythym it was taught? The entire country knows, and had memorized the song delivery of our ABC’s:

Entire World, “ABCDEFG…HIJKLEMENENO,P…Q,R,S….T,U,V,…DOUBLE U, X!…WHY AND Z!!! Now I know my ABC’s, next time…..”

Me, “ok that’s enough….”

Yeah, I get it–it taught us how to memorize the letter’s of the alphabet at such a young age using the technique by singing a song that would stick in our heads for the rest of our lives. But it was never truly right, there was no need for the letters to be in a “numerical” sequence. By learning our ABC’s in that order, it caused us to perceive those letter’s in a grade level format, meaning—A is the best, and Z is the worst, or the king of bad feelings, THE LETTER “F” It made our society believe that the order of letters had a significance, a value, and a way to “grade:” one another based on a letter.

After the brainwashing tactic of ABC’s, we are now hypnotized into a world schooling system that bases our intelligence off of text books–irrelevant content that we had to memorize, then later judged on our memorization of content through test and quizzes, and then later “graded” with a some-what numerical system by how much we could memorize. And if we failed to memorize the content, and received the grade letter “F”, then we were considered stupid, dumb, and not intelligent. Now because we are not good at memorizing content, we had learning disorders? We had mental issues? Now at a young age, we are labeled through the outcome of our test results, labeled by adults, and now a laughing-stock in the classroom—all because we couldn’t live up to par based on the grading system…. Is that right?

So what did we actually learn here?

We learned that, if we get good grades in the order we were taught, if we continue to memorize irrelevant content and judge our intelligence based off the outcome, and get high scores on our exams—we would be successful in life. In reality, we never really learned anything besides how to become a in-house slave—a robot…

We learned how to not explore outside the schooling system and that “the system” was the only way to achieve what we want in life. The schooling system kept children at bay by setting limitations to disable our true potential. It set our minds on futuristic goals that were never really ours, as they drill qualifications and job opportunity’s that were only able to be attained through schooling. We were raised to believe that this is the only way out (or in), the only way to make it in this world, the only way to become “successful”, and the only way to live in happiness. The system kept us hostage behind the white-picketed fence and locked us inside a four-bedroom house to keep us segregated from the outside world. It made us believe we needed X amount of money, to live a life-style filled with happiness and only to get wrapped up in the status-quo like a cold bowl of angel hair pasta –it all started with our ABC’s…..

Yeah–I’m bitter…

What if we learned our ABC’s backwards? and called them our ZYX’s instead? That would f#$k our whole world up, wouldn’t it? We wouldn’t even know what to do. The simple thought couldn’t even begin to make sense to us because we are so embedded with the ABC system.

Personally, I learned how to steal answers from the smart-kid in the classroom, and manipulated the people around me to hand over the answers. At a young age I learned; the art of persuasion, the art of manipulation, the art of how to get away with things without being “graded.”

I learned how to steal and get away with it (for the most part)…

I learned how to change the grades on my report card before my parents review…

I learned how to pick my nose and place boogers under my desk…

I learned how to hustle stolen candy in the playground…

I leaned how to walk in the crowded hallway’s and graze my arm on girls boobies…

I learned how to masturbate in the classroom without getting caught…

I learned how to pretend be awake, but really sleep…

I learned how to chew gum, without really chewing it…

I learned how to get drunk and high, and pretend to act sober…

I learned  and I learned how to beat the system–one grade at a time (until senior year when I stayed back, it finally caught up to me, ha!) So, if there’s one thing I could thank the school system for, that would be it–so thanks!

Now I learned my XYZ’s, next time will you cheat with me…..

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